Lost Wax Casting Process, Cost and Time Frames
Art Work: Charges are by the hour. The rate per hr. is $65.00. When working with a 2-D master you may supply the artwork to us. This artwork must be camera ready art, black and white also known as a slick.
Original Model: This is the rigid material piece that we will take the mold from. You may supply this in wax form which we will cast and then mold. If we generate the model for you the price varies extremely depending on the intricacy of the piece, ranging in price from $100.00 to $1000.00. When you supply the master or molds we will evaluate for any technical problems. There are certain parameters which you must adhere to concerning the thickness and size of a unit. We will NOT, however, mold any piece that has questionable origin, or the model was originally someone else's and has not been released to you.
Return Policy: All defective parts due to the casting process are returnable however, defects or inherent master problems are not. We will always try to advise you of these problems but, cannot be responsible for those unknown.
Mold Charges: Depending on the amount of pieces and the time frame you may need several molds. The size of the piece is also a great consideration. Our smallest mold (1 3/4" X 2 3/4" X 3/4" ) is $25.00 and the price increases in increments of $5.00. Plus any sterling used to cast your original piece.
Casting Costs: Any pieces weighing less than 1 gram will be priced at the 1 gram scale and all prices are also reviewed as to the difficulty of the piece. Our pricing is based on silver market on the day of shipment. The price is .20 above our published price per gram available on our website at www.sunwestsilver.com.
KARAT Gold's: Gold is priced on day of shipment and according to a percentage of market.
Confidentiality: We stand on our 35 year reputation and do everything in our power to keep your parts confidential. We cannot be responsible for circumstances beyond our control.
Extras: These services are an additional charge. Ear posts, joints and catches, tack backs, inlay material, background colors, hand finishing and any bench time at $50.00 per hour.
Minimums: We do require a $100.00 minimum on all orders.
Time Frames: On average getting a piece into production takes 4 to 6 weeks. Once in production your time frame is 2 to 4 weeks.
Stocking Parts: We do not stock contract parts and require that you take all parts manufactured for you (plus or minus 3 to 8 parts). This will depend on the % of loss experienced in the process.
Contact Molly McGrane
Phone: (505) 243-1340
Email: molly@sunwestsilver.com.