TYRONE TURQUOISE Mined in New Mexico, Tyrone Turquoise is a highly prized turquoise. It is a naturally hard turquoise, requiring little to no stabilization with a gorgeous deep blue color range. Unfortunately, due to current copper excavating procedures, Tyrone Turquoise is no longer retrieved from the mine.
STAMP WORK Navajo silversmiths are renowned for their intricate, detailed stamp work, a style developed over many generations. Stamping is done by hand, and the stamps themselves are oftentimes unique to the artist or are handed down from generations of silversmiths.
Navajo Nation
Dineh, Diné
The Navajo people live on approximately 27,000 square miles of reservation in New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and refer to themselves as Dineh, or Diné, which means The People in their native language.
The land of the Navajo Nation has an array of ancient ruins, including the world-renowned Navajo National Monument and the tranquil Chaco Culture National Historical Park. Here, you can step back in time and see how the ancient ones - the Anasazi people (Navajo Ancestors), lived thousands of years ago.
The Navajo people are prolific producers of fine jewelry, art, weaving, sandpaintings and pottery. Their artisans continue to make the world a more beautiful place with their unique traditional and modern works.